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Whether you have the ability to help through small or large monetary donations, every dollar makes a difference, every dollar has the ability to make an impact. You have the power to change lives! 

Please make a donation in any denomination via our PayPal account!


We are a nonprofit organization focused on raising funds to provide Safe Touch Curriculum to every elementary school.  With the help of our tireless staff, we plan to organize fundraisers, and community-building events, If you would like to get involved through your acts of service, with your time or your talents please complete this brief volunteer application and one of our directors will get in touch with you!




Spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, is one of the greatest ways to help our mission. Following and Share our Facebook page is another great way to reach people near and far. We would love for you to Invite your family and friends to our fundraisers and community events!   We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you. 



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